It was late when I got the call.
She asked me to come sit with her.
Something in her voice scared me.
She was afraid.
I was afraid.
But it was so out of character for her, I didn’t hesitate.
Jennifer was a beautiful, tough, tenacious college student who made the choice to have a baby out of wedlock in the early 90’s…
I sat by her in Colonial American History.
I pitied and admired her.
She was wild eyed and shaking when she opened the door and immediately handed me the baby.
I was twenty.
It might have been the first newborn I had ever held.
“I don’t think I can do this.”
She paced the floor of that apartment like a rabid animal as the rest of the story poured out of her.
I didn’t understand.
Until I did…
“I killed my first baby.”
“I didn’t know….I didn’t know….I didn’t know…”
“But now I know.
It was a baby.
It was a baby
Oh my God—
It was a baby…”
By this point, she was rocking back and forth with her legs drawn to her chest very nearly in fetal position.
“I am afraid I will kill him, too.”
“I am a murderer.”
“God help me. God help me…”
Jennifer was my first experience with abortion.
But she was by no means my last.
This story would repeat itself over and over throughout my lifetime though only a handful of times has it been as fresh and brutal and crisis level as it was that night with Jennifer.
If it hadn’t been for her, I don’t know that I would have ever fully understood that women are every bit as much the victims of abortion as babies are even if they themselves don’t realize it.
Abortion is violence against women.
Some are broken through the experience.
They hemorrhage pain and self hate and fear for years—decades—lifetimes…
Others are numbed by it.
They become defined by the scars and hard edges appear where beauty and femininity once flourished.
For many years, I could rattle off the statistics that prove the dire consequences of abortion on women.
Everything from suicide rates to infertility rates to crisis mental health intervention rates…
A quick 2025 Google search doesn’t look much different than the data available to me in the 1990’s when I first began pouring through endless reels of microfilm and sheets of microfiche to understand.
To try to help…
AI Overview: February 25, 2025…
Women who have abortions may experience mental health complications like depression and anxiety, as well as physical complications like bleeding.
Mental health complications
Depression: Women who have abortions are 37% more likely to experience depression, according to a 2011 meta-analysis.
Anxiety: Women who have abortions are 34% more likely to experience anxiety.
Suicide: Women who have abortions have a higher risk of suicide within a year compared to women who give birth.
Post-traumatic stress: Some women experience post-traumatic stress after an abortion.
Physical complications
Vaginal bleeding is common after an abortion and is usually similar to or heavier than a normal menstrual cycle.Blood clots
Blood clots that cause severe cramping occur in about 1 percent of all abortions.
Other complications include:
Increased risk of death from violent causes
Increased risk of death from other stress-related illnesses
Increased risk of having a post-pregnancy mental health disorder
Eating disorders
Substance use disorders
Suicidal ideation
Decreased self-esteem
Worry about not being able to conceive again
The #1 objection I am hearing as the “Resolution to Abolish Abortion” is sweeping county executive committees…
“I am not ready to concede on rape or incest.”
I am not either.
Jennifer was victimized first by date rape and then by abortion.
To those who cling to the idea that abortion is compassionate toward the victims of rape and incest—
I would like to know…
For what other crime do we execute a child for the sin of a father?
For what other crime do we compound violence against a woman with violence against a woman AND her child and deem it “compassion?”
The baby Jennifer carried in her womb was not the residue of a rapist.
He was a gift of God.
He was the epitome of the beautiful ugly.
Jennifer didn’t realize it until a second baby was placed in her arms.
Until we wrap our arms around the truth that all life is a gift…
Until “we believe in the sanctity of all human life. (That) Unborn children have constitutional rights to life and liberty and, the government must respect and protect all innocent human life from conception to natural death…” (NCGOP Platform, Article 4.1)
Until we believe that ALL life matters…
Until we believe that we have been called “For Such a Time as This…”
We will never be able to tackle THE Civil Rights issue of our day.
We will never end the greatest stain on the soul of our nation since Slavery.
We will never end the violence of abortion against women and children as long as we are willing to compromise with it.
The days of inaction and “Pro-Life” fundraisers are over.
Not one North Carolina county has held a 2025 Convention.
In the vast majority of counties, it is not too late to become a delegate if you were a registered Republican on 1/31/2025.
I am looking for five delegates from every county in North Carolina to form an abolition delegation to your county convention in March (followed by your District convention in April) and present the “Resolution to Abolish Abortion” through your Executive Committee or from the floor of your convention.
I need you to reach out to me once you have found your team—committed to join us in this endeavor. I will email you the Resolution as a Word Document that you can edit as per the rules of your county.
Please message me through Substack or leave a comment on this article identifying yourself as a local Resolution Champion and the County you represent.
Local champions have already stepped up in Johnston, Wake, Burke, Carteret…
5 delegates from all 100 counties…
That would mean 500 abolitionists at this year’s State Convention (June 5-8).
Last year we had roughly 30.
30 of 11.05 million.
God can do big things through a small group of people.
Gideon had 300.
Calling All Rogue Missionaries…
The future is abolition.
See you there…
Since it seems statistically true that liberal women have more abortions performed than conservative women it might help to to explain why most liberal women I have seen and met are bat shit crazy. Repeated abortions creating mental problems requiring medication to treat them only making their conditions worse. Making them homicidal even. Some say "compassion" is the word of the day, or that "understanding" is the prescription needed. Personally, I think these people are addicted to their own misery. They wont stop until they are stopped.
I had a conversation with my wife one night expressing my concern for the future of women if this evil is not contained. Perhaps the only solution IS the hand of God. Humans are certainly failing the task at hand.