As the 2025 Medical Freedom and Abolish Abortion Resolutions have begun to circulate around dozens of North Carolina counties in advance of March conventions, the pushback from Establishment Republicans has been fierce and fascinating.
The most common argument is simple and repeated ad nauseam.
Fascinating because it literally nauseates me.
“Winning elections is more important than abolishing abortion.”
This is the position of many card carrying Republicans, Republican Executive Committee leaders, and even more “Republican” elected officials.
How did this happen?
The North Carolina Republican Party has an Open Borders Policy.
The problem with “Big Tent” Republicanism is no different than the problem of literal Open Borders.
Once you let them in, they take over.
It is inconceivable to me that any Republican much less a Republican Committee Member or elected official would embrace abortion—in any form.
Whether you are a two clause pro-abortionist (rape and incest)…
Whether you are a three clause pro-abortionist (rape and incest and life of mother)—though the “Life of Mother” argument is a strawman—a lie, a logical fallacy, and a unicorn…
Medical Separation is not abortion.
It only “became” one because we allowed the Left to define the terms.
And in doing so, we lost the debate.
There has NEVER been a situation in which a child had to be intentionally murdered in order to save the life of a mother.
Delivered early and treated humanely until natural death to save a mother—yes…
I digress.
Whether you are a four clause pro-abortionist—rape and incest, life of mother, AND first trimester only…
You do not belong in the Republican Party of North Carolina.
I repeat…
If you embrace child sacrifice for any reason…
You do not belong in the Republican Party of North Carolina.
You do not belong on a Republican Party local, district, or state committee.
If you embrace the murder of the unborn for ANY reason, you should repent, embrace God’s Word on the Sanctity of Life (Psalm 139, Proverbs 6:16-19, Leviticus 20), embrace the Republican Party Platform pertaining to the Sanctity of Human Life rooted in God’s moral law, or you should resign and/or change your party affiliation.
Stop telling me to resign.
YOU resign.
Scroll down to page 7 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform and read Article 4, “Sanctity of Life.”
1. We believe in the sanctity of ALL human life.
Unborn children have constitutional rights to life and liberty and, the government must respect and protect all innocent human life from conception to natural death. (Emphasis added…)
2. We are the Party that offers real solutions for women. We have a moral obligation to assist women who face unexpected pregnancies and applaud organizations that empower women with compassionate, life-affirming resources and care.
3. We support legislation that identifies and closes enforcement loopholes in existing statutes to better protect children in the womb.
4. We oppose infanticide and urge the enactment of laws to require medical care for babies who survive abortions.
5. We oppose efforts to mandate the provision of abortion or to fund with taxpayer dollars organizations that provide or promote abortion services. School based health clinics, public and private, should not provide referrals, counseling and related services for abortion and contraception.
6. We support requiring mandatory counseling before an abortion to ensure the pregnant woman knows all options and resources available to her and her baby including information about the possibility of reversing the intended effects of chemical abortion drugs.
7. We support the right of medical professionals to refuse to participate in abortions. We support the right of pharmacists to refuse to dispense abortion inducing drugs. We believe that state funded institutions should not provide abortion training.
8. We oppose all forms of euthanasia and assisted suicide, which often target persons with disabilities, the elderly and infirm. We believe these individuals should be treated with love and respect, not as a burden. We also oppose basing the denial of life saving treatments on a perceived quality of life. We support legislation prohibiting assisted suicide.
9. We support developments in biomedical research that enhance and protect human life, including stem cell research. We oppose human cloning and the destruction of human embryos.
10. We support criminal penalties for harming or killing an unborn child when the mother is killed or injured in a criminal act.
11. We support laws which require written, notarized parental consent for an abortion and/or contraceptives for their minor children.
12. We oppose the sale, purchase, possession, or use of fetal tissue or body parts obtained from induced abortions.
Do you see any room inside the NCGOP Platform for one, two, three, or four clause pro-abortionists?
Do you see exceptions in the word “all”?
Do you see exceptions carved out for children to be murdered based upon the circumstances of their conception?
I don’t.
Do you see anywhere in Article 4 where Human Life is prioritized BELOW “Winning Elections”?
I don’t.
For those of you who actually ascribe to this ideology…
Please provide me with a complete list of moral laws that also rank below “winning elections”…
I’ll go ahead and get you started.
Ending child sacrifice.
Once upon a time, the Republican Party stood on the wall and refused to compromise with evil.
Once upon a time, the Republican Party shed its own blood to uphold the moral law of God.
Republicans ended slavery—not good for elections.
Republicans ended segregation—not good for elections.
Republicans ended Jim Crow—also yucky…
Once upon a time, we had courageous leaders who said no to injustice, murder, incrementalism.
Where are they now?
Where are the rogue Republican missionaries of our generation bold enough to stand on the shoulders of those who came before us—the ones who wrote Article IV of a platform that holds to this day though its strength is waning as little by little the abolitionist has been pushed aside and silenced and made to feel unwelcome in their OWN Party.
I have this sense that they (you) are out there…
That you are on the cusp of courage.
I think you have even figured out that courage is contagious.
That you have been called For Such a Time as This…
That you are Resolved…
That you fully understand the future is abolition…
Fight for it.
If standing for Truth burns bridges...
I have a match.
We ride at dawn.
Post Script…
I have been asked by several of you for a cheat sheet.
You are getting ready to present Abolition and Medical Freedom to your local Executive Committee Members/you are gearing up for your county convention and you need a little guidance.
Here you go…
“Do you or do you not fully support the NC Republican Party Platform as it pertains to the laws of God—particularly Article 4?”
Yes? Great. I look forward to your support of Abolition and Medical Freedom…
No? I ask that you render your resignation from committee or agree to leave the party in light of the fact that you do not align with the Platform.
A house divided against itself cannot stand and we were here first.
It’s not me.
It’s you.
Tara please call me 3472372980 Danna contacted me thanks
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