It was never about a Resolution.
It was about answering the What If?
It was about ending the nightmare of Children for Sale.
It was about creating Shade for the Children.
It was about ushering in The Age of Abolition.
It was about the Epic Battle for Medical Freedom.
I was wrong about the Intersection of Politics, Platform, Abolition, and Medical Freedom.
It was never an Intersection.
It was a battlefield.
It is a battlefield.
The spoils of war are Human Freedom and the Sanctity of Human Life.
The NCGOP would not allow us onto the battlefield because they know it does not belong to them.
They know to Whom it belongs.
And they know we came to rightfully reclaim it.
“It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the righteous of justice. Proverbs 18:5
WHEREAS, on Saturday, MAY 25, 2024, the North Carolina State Republican Party led a well coordinated effort to suppress Truth and eliminate debate over the two most salient issues of our era—Human Freedom and the Sanctity of Human life.
WHEREAS, in 1854, the Republican Party was formed to address a profound moral issue—slavery—and abolition was the battle cry.
WHEREAS, Article 4.1 of the Republican Party Platform states:
“We believe in the sanctity of all human life. Unborn children have constitutional rights to life and liberty and, the government must respect and protect all innocent human life from conception to natural death.”
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Republican Party has failed to protect all human life from conception to natural death even while holding a supermajority and the power of the override in the North Carolina General Assembly
WHEREAS, many followers of Christ have abdicated the mission field that is the Republican Party and allowed darkness to fill the vacuum.
WHEREAS, 44,820 children were murdered last year in North Carolina under a Republican Supermajority.
WHEREAS, there have been 37,544 reported Covid Vaccine deaths.
WHEREAS, we have been called to speak for those who have no voice and to ensure justice for those being crushed.
WHEREAS, we have been called to hold back those marked for death and to rescue those being led away to slaughter.
WHEREAS, we have been called to speak Truth to power.
RESOLVED, we will not stop until North Carolina has enjoined the other 14 states who have already abolished abortion.
RESOLVED, we will not be silent while children are slaughtered and sold for body parts for profit and political expedience.
RESOLVED, we will not be silent while human beings from conception to the grave remain the objects of human experimentation under the guise of mRNA injections and false “Public Health Emergencies” used to justify a depopulation campaign.
RESOLVED, we will not support any candidate who remains silent on the biblical mandate to abolish abortion and end human experimentation.
RESOLVED, we will continue to work county by county to abolish abortion and to protect human life from conception to natural death.
RESOLVED, protecting Human Freedom and preserving the Sanctity of Human Life will once again become principle goals of the North Carolina Republican Party.
RESOLVED, The Spiral of Silence is over.
RESOLVED, it is 1854.
Post Script:
To the Grassroots: We have a map to green out.
If your county has not already passed the Resolution to Abolish Abortion, please print it and present it to your County Executive Committee at your next meeting if you are prepared to defend it and stop it from being altered or amended in ANY way.
If you are not prepared to defend it, I will travel to you to do so.
Only the dark green counties on the below map have passed The Resolution to Abolish Abortion. We have work to do.
If your county has not passed the Resolution for Medical Freedom and Individual Liberty, please print it and present it to your County Executive Committee at your next meeting if you are prepared to defend it and stop it from being altered or amended in ANY way.
The red counties have passed The Resolution for Medical Freedom and Individual Liberty. We swept the state. However, there is still work to do, particularly in District 11, District 6, and District 7.
We will NOT be submitting any Resolutions that pass County Meetings to ANY District where they will be gutted, inverted, or watered down.
We will NOT be submitting any Resolutions to State Executive Committees.
Until the NCGOP prioritizes human life over winning elections, we will go AROUND the State Party, not through it.
Unfortunately, because Medical Freedom went through Committee, it now belongs to the State Party to be taken up at the next Executive Committee Meeting (likely at the end of the year.)
Because Abolition was not presented and the authors do not give consent, Abolition will not go to or through Committee.
We will present Abolition from the floor of the State Convention in 2025.
Until then, we will continue to shine light on darkness.
See you on the battlefield.
I’ll be the one wearing green.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. — John 1:5
What you are doing is very noble and patriotic. Thank you. We are preparing to present this before the Brunswick County Commissioners (District 7) on July 8, 2024 at 2:00. I am grappling with the verbiage on how to introduce this. I want to make the presentation as succinct as possible and make it a call to action by our commissioners. Perhaps you could advise?
J. Breitenbach