A few months ago, I was asked to reconsider my decision to change my political party from unaffiliated back to Republican.
I got three calls in three days from three people I highly respected.
I reluctantly agreed.
A few weeks later, I was asked if I would represent District 13 on the Republican State Resolutions Committee.
This was the very committee that shredded, inverted, rewrote and divided our 2024 Medical Freedom Resolution into three separate resolutions affirming the very totalitarianism and government overreach that 11 of 14 North Carolina Congressional Districts sought to reverse. (Click underlined hyperlink to refresh your memory regarding “The Epic Battle for Medical Freedom”.)
It was also the very committee that (following a massive amount of pushback from the grassroots) accepted Chris Holland’s Minority Report, agreeing to replace the three gutted and inverted resolutions with the “Resolution for Medical Freedom and Individual Liberty” in last year’s state convention packet (though it did not make it to print due to timing).
I accepted the nomination.
Last week, State Resolutions Committee Chair, Dr. Phillip Stephens, agreed to allow me to resubmit the Resolution for Medical Freedom and Individual Liberty directly to the Committee for consideration in the 2025 NCGOP State Convention Package.
I have additionally submitted the Resolution for Medical Freedom and Individual Liberty and the Resolution to Abolish Abortion to the Johnston County Executive Committee for their consideration.
This is where the ask (for you my dear reader) comes in.
PLEASE make plans to become a delegate to your County, District, and State Convention by attending the precinct meeting in your county where delegates are selected. (County Conventions are in March. District Conventions are in April). (Click hyperlinks to see when YOUR County and District Conventions will be held.)
PLEASE consider either submitting one or both of these resolutions to YOUR County Executive Committee AND your District Committee and campaign for them to be included in your convention packages to be voted on by the delegates of your County/District.
(OR) bring one or both of them from the floor of your convention. Make sure if you choose this option that you research your county’s Plan of Organization to make sure you do it properly. We had one county champion last year who was disqualified simply because he did not provide the right number of copies and another who was disqualified because he did not attribute authorship to the Resolution.
If you are willing to join the fight for Medical Freedom and Abortion Abolition, but you don’t know where to start—I will attach (below) the letter I wrote my own committee along with the language of both resolutions.
Please feel free to use the letter I sent to my Executive Committee as a template for your own letter to your own county Executive Committee.
If you would like a copy of both resolutions in Word/PDF Format, PLEASE message me through Substack with your email address and I will send you the files.
See you on the Battlefield…
For God and Country,
Attached for your consideration in advance of the 2025 Johnston County Convention are two resolutions—Medical Freedom and Individual Liberty and Abolish Abortion.
Medical Freedom and Individual Liberty passed 11 of 14 Districts last year yet was intentionally ignored at the NCGOP Convention by state leadership.
In fact, I was told before the convention ever started that the plan to avoid consideration and debate was to simply run out the clock which is exactly what the Parliamentarian allowed.
I am now a member of the State Resolutions Committee and as such, I will be personally resubmitting the below Medical Freedom Resolution.
This is the EXACT unedited copy of the 2024 “Minority Report”—the formal replacement for the three gutted, inverted, and rewritten resolutions that had previously come out of the committee in complete opposition to the original language of medical freedom resolutions passed in 11 of 14 Districts.
We were very grateful when the Committee restored the language and agreed to insert the “Resolution for Medical Freedom and Individual Liberty” (also known as “The Minority Report”) in last year’s State Convention packet.
The Medical Freedom Resolution (below) is once again in the hands of grassroots patriots around the state who are yet again attempting to move it through county and district conventions statewide.
The NCGOP can no longer ignore COVID Era authoritarianism and the wide spread throttling of North Carolina citizens whose civil and constitutional rights were destroyed over mask and vaccine status and weaponized government health mandates.
No longer can the NCGOP ignore the fact that COVID “vaccines” are some of the most lethal mRNA gene therapies ever marketed as “vaccines” or the fact that 8 (now 9) states are currently moving to ban them while NC has yet to even agree to a debate over their “safety and efficacy”.
North Carolina is once again trailing woefully behind the rest of the nation largely due to NCGOP leadership unwilling to tackle the most salient issues of our generation.
With Robert Kennedy’s nomination to HHS Secretary, it is clear that President Trump is no longer avoiding the medical freedom crisis nor should we.
As such, I would ask that this Medical Freedom Resolution be considered by the Johnston County Executive Committee without edits or amendments.
We fought long and hard and compromised as much as we could in terms of the language.
This draft is the culmination of that battle, and I ask that the language be respected.
Similarly, I am also submitting for the Committee’s consideration the “Resolution to Abolish Abortion.”
This resolution is the product of months of work, conversation, prayer, and collaboration that included doctors, post abortive women, and women who endured medical separation and infant death.
Every word of the resolution is in line with the NCGOP Party Platform.
This Resolution to Abolish Abortion (exact language) passed NC’s 8th Congressional District in 2024.
However, it was not considered by the 2024 State Resolutions Committee for the Convention Package because the 8th Congressional District Convention was held AFTER the State Resolutions Committee submission deadline.
We attempted to bring the Resolution to Abolish Abortion from the floor of the State Convention, however, it seemed fairly obvious that some within State Party leadership worked to crush our efforts by running out the clock and placing specific actors at microphones to do so.
The NCGOP has no political will to end abortion or the use of abortion derived medical products—big business here in North Carolina as Big Pharma controls a great deal of our economy and profits exponentially from Children for Sale.
That said, we answer to an authority higher than state leadership and higher than Big Pharma and for this reason, we must pursue abolition.
Once again, I would ask that the Resolution to Abolish Abortion be considered without edit or amendments.
Abortion is the human rights battle of our era not unlike slavery in earlier centuries.
The slaughter of innocent children can no longer be ignored or incrementally compromised by the NCGOP.
I hope the Johnston County Republicans will join me in the fight to end this abomination in our lifetime and, in doing so, restore God’s hand on our State and the blessings of life and liberty to our children and our children’s children.
If you have questions about either of these resolutions or you would like me to provide you with subject matter experts or if you would like to debate me personally, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your consideration of these most serious matters.
There are no greater issues than human life and freedom no matter how many times the NCGOP attempts to push them to the bottom of the list or ignore them altogether.
For God and Country,
Tara Niebaum
Resolution for Medical Freedom and Individual Liberty (Adopted 5/6/24)
Whereas, in March of 2020, we the people of North Carolina were told that the COVID-19 virus presented a grave danger to all. We were then instructed, and in many cases mandated, to wear masks, accept experimental injections and socially distance.
Whereas, the government of North Carolina then took administrative and legislative actions which further eroded individual liberty:
Governor Cooper issued Executive Orders (EO) #116 and #117 which declared a state of emergency and gave him unprecedented authority he used to prohibit public gatherings, including worship services, and to close all K-12 public schools.
The North Carolina General Assembly (NCGA) passed bill H1043 which funded testing, tracking, and tracing of citizens. EO #147 mandated all people to wear masks in public or face civil or criminal penalties.
The NCGA repealed the anti-mask statute (GS14-12.11) to allow universal masking, and passed SB232 which also made private businesses the enforcement arm of the mask mandates.
Numerous North Carolinians feel that inaction by the NCGA allowed for violations of personal liberty, privacy, and body autonomy. A version of H558 considered and subsequently rejected by the Assembly possibly would have prevented administrative mandates for invasive procedures, such as COVID injections and testing, and for proof of vaccination to move about freely and, in many cases, to maintain employment.
Whereas, unlike other state legislatures and the U.S. Congress, the NCGA failed to conduct hearings to investigate alternative therapeutic protocols, including those based on medications such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, which might have reduced fear, physical suffering, and death. Rather, the state government chose a hostile stance towards alternatives to government sanctioned COVID protocols including taking such actions as sending threatening communications to medical professionals.
Whereas, COVID treatment protocols from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and guidance from the for Disease Control (CDC) were in many instances erroneous, ineffective and/or fraudulent. These agencies now admit that masks do not stop viral transmission, that COVID injections do not stop transmission or prevent infection, and that there was no data to support six feet distancing.
Whereas, Government agencies, media, pharmaceutical companies, and other corporations and influencers continue to claim COVID-19 injections are “safe and effective”, while mounting evidence demonstrates alarming rates of disabling and deadly adverse events while effectiveness is increasingly suspect.
Whereas, COVID genetic therapy injection contents deposit widely throughout the tissues of body, are highly variable lot to lot in concentration of mRNA and of contaminants, and theoretical mechanisms exist by which they could alter human DNA.
Whereas, Article 4.1 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform states: “We believe in the sanctity of all human life. Unborn children have constitutional rights to life and liberty and, the government must respect and protect all innocent human life from conception to natural death.”
Whereas, Article 4.11 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform states: “We oppose the sale, purchase, possession, or use of fetal tissue or body parts obtained from induced abortions.
Whereas, all C-19 vaccines in use today were developed using aborted fetal cell lines and therefore violate the Pro-Life conscience and the Party platform,
Therefore, be it resolved, that Republican Party of North Carolina (NCGOP) calls upon the state legislature to prohibit the sale and administration of mRNA, or other gene altering injections which are designed as immunizing agents against infecting pathogens.
Be it further resolved, that NCGOP calls for comprehensive open and unbiased biomedical research, open and uncensored discussion of preventive and therapeutic medical strategies, full disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest of researchers and authorities, and proper accountability for all entities whose fraudulent or negligent actions caused harm.
Be it further resolved, that NCGOP calls for the NCGA to pass legislation ending the use of aborted children in science and banning abortion developed or derived medical products.
Be it further resolved, that NCGOP rejects any attempt by state or federal government authority to violate our constitutional right to assemble, including for corporate worship.
Be it further resolved, that NCGOP opposes any attempt to reinstate unconstitutional invasions of privacy and personal liberty such as the proposed rules properly rejected by the NC Commissioner of Labor. Those rules would have established a system to force masking, distancing, tracking, tracing, testing, and other invasions, including injections.
Be it further resolved, that NCGOP rejects yielding any authority to unaccountable and unelected agencies, such as the World Health Organization, as a threat to state and national sovereignty, and to personal liberty.
Be it further resolved, that NCGOP recognizes that all North Carolinians are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights which are affirmed by our founding documents, and mean that no government entity, whether executive, legislative, judicial, or administrative, nor any private entity, including but not limited to businesses, schools, and places of employment, shall ever have any authority to coerce or force upon any human being, born or unborn, any medical procedure or practice including but not limited to masking, testing, vaccination, medical experiments, pharmaceuticals, or any other medical product as a condition of citizenship, patronage, employment, education, worship, assembly, or movement.
Originally submitted & reconciled: 1st Congressional District, 2nd Congressional District, 3rd Congressional District, 4th Congressional District, 13th Congressional District, 14th Congressional District, Buncombe County Republican Party, Carteret County Republican Party, Craven County Republican Party, Hoke County Republican Party, Richmond County Republican Party, and the Scotland County Republican Party.
Also included with a sense of fairness and reconciled are the original submissions received after the deadline that preceded their conventions of April 13, 2024: 8th Congressional District, 5th Congressional District, and 9th Congressional District. Stokes County Republican Party, Iredell County Republican Party.
Author: Christopher Holland, North Carolina Republican Party State Resolutions Committee
Signed: _____________________________________________
Jason Simmons, Chairman, North Carolina Republican Party
Resolution to Abolish Abortion
Written by: Larry Pittman, Cindy Sallis, and Tara Niebaum
Whereas, Article 4.1 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform states: “We believe in the sanctity of all human life. Unborn children have constitutional rights to life and liberty and, the government must respect and protect all innocent human life from conception to natural death.” (1)
Whereas, the value of human life is not based upon the circumstances of conception including children conceived in rape and incest, as ALL children have inherent worth as a reflection of their Creator and are included in the North Carolina Republican Party Platform’s category of “all” human life under Article 4.1.
Whereas, on June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 597 U.S 215. Quoting from its decision: “Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion.” (2)
Whereas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia have completely banned and/or made abortions unavailable. (3)
Whereas, ALL unborn children in the State of North Carolina are vulnerable to abortion under the current “12 week ban,” as each child must pass through the first 12 weeks of human gestation to be protected from abortion.
Whereas, a medical separation procedure performed during a medical emergency in order to save the life of the mother is NOT an abortion (the intentional killing of the unborn child during the process of separation).
Whereas, dignified, humane treatment of an unborn child who does not survive a medical separation procedure is NOT an abortion.
Whereas, the North Carolina General Assembly has legal authority to abolish abortion within the borders of North Carolina.
Whereas, Article 4.12 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform states: “We oppose the sale, purchase, possession, or use of fetal tissue or body parts obtained from induced abortions.”(3)(4)
Whereas, the use of tissue from aborted children in the development of vaccines and in medical research negates the value of all human life. (4)(5)
Whereas, in April 2021, the National Institutes of Health reversed Trump era restrictions on research using tissue from aborted children, (5)(6) such that aborted children have once again been made available for sale. (6)(7)
Whereas, ALL North Carolina school children are required by law to receive multiple vaccines developed using cell lines of aborted children, (7)(8)(9)(10) and therefore, the children of Pro-Life North Carolinians are required to participate in abortion, or assert a medical or religious exemption on their children’s behalf.
Whereas, beginning in 2021, all North Carolinians were required to receive Covid-19 vaccines, all of which were developed using cell lines of aborted children (Pfizer and Moderna: HEK293) and (J&J: PER-C6),(10)(11) thereby forcing Pro-Life North Carolinians to participate in abortion, assert a medical or religious exemption (often denied), and/or face discrimination, employment termination, or other life-changing consequences.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the North Carolina Republican Party calls upon the North Carolina General Assembly to enact legislation, consistent with the Party Platform, to abolish abortion and subject providers who perform abortion to criminal penalties.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the North Carolina Republican Party calls upon the North Carolina General Assembly to enact legislation to end the use of cells, cell lines, tissues, organs, and any other body part of aborted children in research and scientific experimentation, and subject violators to criminal penalties.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the North Carolina Republican Party calls upon the North Carolina General Assembly to enact legislation to end the use of cells, cell lines, tissues, organs, and any other body part of aborted children in the development of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, medicines, cosmetics, and any other product for use, sale, manufacture, testing, or distribution in the State of North Carolina, and subject violators to criminal penalties.
(Adopted: April 27, 2024 by the 8th Congressional District Republican Party and May 9, 2024 by the Burke County Republican Party)
We should all be Sending this out far & wide to every district in NC!!!