“The doctor walked into the lab and set a steel pan on the table. "Got you some good specimens," he said. "Twins." The technician looked down at a pair of perfectly formed 24-week-old fetuses moving and gasping for air. Except for a few nicks from the surgical tongs that had pulled them out, they seemed uninjured.
"There's something wrong here," the technician stammered. "They are moving. I don't do this. That's not in my contract." She watched the doctor take a bottle of sterile water and fill the pan until the water ran up over the babies' mouths and noses. Then she left the room. "I would not watch those fetuses moving," she recalls. "That's when I decided it was wrong."'
The technician uses the pseudonym "Kelly." She has her back to the camera, she wears a wig, and her voice is electronically modified because she says she fears for her life. Until a few months ago Kelly worked for a Maryland company called the Anatomic Gift Foundation. Her job was to procure fetal tissue for research…” —Celeste McGovern (Click underlined links to continue reading…)
I have spent nearly three decades researching the intersection of abortion, medicine, science, and government.
I was in my early twenties when I came to understand that the vast majority of childhood vaccines were (and are) abortion developed and abortion derived.
As a young mother, I wrestled with Truth, faith, and the intersection of each with parenting and medicine.
By God’s grace, I did not succumb to the lie that God’s design for the human immune system is inferior to a manmade hybrid.
But even as I wrestled with the idea of man as creator versus God as Creator—the “wisdom” espoused by the pediatrician versus the wisdom of God—the use of aborted children in the development of most childhood vaccines was unconscionable to me.
Ultimately, the decision was simple though the social consequences remain far more complex.
Just this month, a very well known Republican attorney (having written both Pro-Life and Pro-Abolition pieces in the Carolina Journal) was asked how he settled The Great Hypocrisy
His response was as short-sighted as any I have ever read.
He stated quite simply that every “pro-life” physician he knew had assured him that there wasn’t a vaccine on the market that wasn’t “so far removed” from any abortion that had ever occurred (he asserted it was only “one or two” and the abortions took place “several decades ago”)—that what was left of these children for scientists to use was only “information.”
And not only was it perfectly ethical to use this “information”—“vaccines have saved so many hundreds of thousands of lives that to NOT take advantage of the “information” these children provided would be unethical.”
If the moral relativism expressed by this one high profile Republican attorney was exclusive or even uncommon, I would simply ignore it.
However, his short-sightedness. whitewashed history, and moral confusion is not only mainstream in politics, it is also the lie that has blanketed the vast majority of churches and parachurch organizations (including Focus on the Family) for decades.
Vaccines have become a religion in and of themselves.
And the unholy trinity of Science, Medicine, and Government has set itself up against the One and Only Triune God in the epic battle for authority and worship—a battle that has been raging since the Garden.
As an advocate who worked behind the scenes during the “Covid” years as thousands of North Carolinians came forward to assert religious exemptions to mandates and work place “Vaccinate or Terminate” policies on the basis that they are abortion derived, I was dumbfounded.
Where were all of these dissidents when laws were enshrined forcing them to inject their children with dozens of abortion-tainted vaccines to attend school or receive medical care?
I came to realize in a very short period of time that “informed consent” was as much a myth as the success of the American Vaccine Program and that the vast majority did not know what they did not know.
Covid peeled back the curtain.
There is no going back.
Truth is the Christian’s highest principle.
It is you, follower of Christ, to whom I appeal.
Let us live not by lies, and instead take them captive.
If we are ever to end the age of abortion, stop the bloodshed, the bloodlust, and the bloodguilt…
If we are ever to experience God’s blessing on this state and this nation, we must acknowledge how very near to the intersection we live…
And so we have come full circle back to the beginning…
To “Anatomic Gift Foundation”…
To “Opening Lines”…
To UNC Hospital…
To children for sale…
Let us begin by taking a look at The System.
“Federal laws, and many state laws, make it illegal to buy or sell human bodies or body parts. However, they can be legally donated for medical research and certain other legitimate purposes. In such cases, the supplier is allowed to recover from the recipient any reasonable out-of-pocket expenses that were necessary to fill the recipient’s order.
Some abortion industry insiders, wanting to financially profit on the growing market for fetal tissue and body parts, have devised a scheme to circumvent these restrictions.
This is how the system works:
A baby parts “wholesaler” enters into a financial agreement with an abortion clinic in which the wholesaler pays a monthly “site fee” to the clinic. For this payment, the wholesaler is allowed to place a retrieval agent inside the clinic where he or she is given access to the corpses of children killed there and a workspace to harvest their parts. In most cases, this retrieval agent is an employee of the wholesaler. In other instances, the retrieval agent is a clinic employee who was trained by the wholesaler.
The buyer – usually a researcher working for a medical school, pharmaceutical company, bio-tech company or government agency – supplies the wholesaler with a list of the baby parts wanted.
When such orders are received by the wholesaler, they are faxed to the retrieval agent at the clinic who harvests the requested parts and ships them to the buyer via FedEx, Airborne or a similar common carrier.
These parts are “donated” by the clinic to the wholesaler who turns around and “donates” them to the buyer. The buyer then “reimburses” the wholesaler for the cost of retrieving the parts.
On the surface, this system does not appear to violate the legal prohibitions against trafficking in human body parts since, technically speaking, no one is buying or selling anything. The loophole is that site fees and retrieval reimbursement amounts are unregulated. The law requires that such payments be reasonable and reflect the actual cost of securing the parts, but there are no state or federal laws which establish guidelines or sets limits regarding these payments. Additionally, no governmental or law enforcement agency is charged with overseeing the system.
This means that the wholesaler is free to set site fees and retrieval fees at any amount. Despite the fact that the baby parts business is teeming with profound moral implications, and despite the fact it has enormous potential for financial abuse, it is allowed to operate on the honor system. It is certainly no secret that this sort of self-policing never works in environments where large amounts of money are involved. In this case, the result is that the corpses of children killed by elective abortion are now marketed like old car parts salvaged from the local junkyard. Rhetoric like “site fees,” “donations,” and “retrieval reimbursement costs” are simply code words designed to conceal that fact.” —Life Dynamics
Now that you understand “The System”…
Let’s take a look at The Marketing. (You must “Download PDF of Documents” if you want to see the documents I am attaching for the purposes of this article.)
From California, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, Massachusetts, Louisiana, New York, New Mexico, Texas, New Jersey, Florida, Connecticut, North Carolina—you will find shipping receipts for the children for sale.
You will see for yourself the invoices for limbs, organs, eyes, legs, tongues, palates, skin, tibias, whole intact legs, muscles, brains—shipped “on wet ice”.
You will see shipping receipts directly to UNC Hospital…
You will see that the children for sale were used to develop “mRNA” technologies…
You will see that the children for sale were used to develop “monoclonal antibodies”—the “other” cure for “Covid”…
And you will contemplate how much money purveyors like Planned Parenthood and wholesalers like “Opening Lines” and “Anatomic Gift Foundation” make off of the children for sale.
And then you will ask yourself how much of your own tax dollars the federal government (and the state government) spends on the children for sale.
You will wonder why the NCGA Republican Supermajority hasn’t already put an end to this abomination?
And if you have been able to keep it together up until this point, you will get to page 107 and see the (20 year old) “Fee Schedule” that has undoubtedly doubled or tripled by now…
You will contemplate 30% discounts for “significantly fragmented brains” and 40% discounts for single eyes…
And you will weep.
You might even throw up.
And you will wonder how this could have happened…on your watch.
And you won’t sleep for crying out to God that this not be the legacy you leave behind for your children and your grandchildren.
And then you will remind yourself…
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5
On May 25, just eleven days from now, the NCGOP will be forced to decide The Great Hypocrisy when Larry Pittman attempts to bring “The Resolution to Abolish Abortion” from the floor of the convention.
We will need 2/3 of the Convention to vote for the Resolution to be heard.
“I tremble if we cannot get the 2/3”.
If not us, then who?
If not now, when?
See you at Convention.
I’ll be the one wearing green…
Post Script:
A few readers have asked whether or not the black market baby harvesting is still going on since “Opening Lines” went dark shortly after Life Dynamics released their undercover report and “Anatomic Gift Foundation” / “Anatomy Gifts Registry” does not publicly acknowledge any current “donor” relationships with Planned Parenthood/Abortion Providers.
Please take the time to watch Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Congressional Hearing (April 2024) on Black Market Baby Organ Harvesting.
And please take the time to review the Biden Administration’s reversal of President Trump’s moratorium on NIH (only) funded research on children for sale.
The only way to end this abomination is to abolish abortion ENTIRELY and criminalize abortion providers/anyone who attempts to experiment on aborted children and/or traffic or use their body parts for “science.”
If you are a member of the NCGA or a citizen advocate who would like to make an appeal to your legislator to sponsor an Abolition bill, please review our proposed model legislation/ North Carolina Abortion Abolition Bill and/or contact 2 Citizen Moms through our website (2citizenmoms.com) for further discussion.
"Our biggest obstacle in trying to stop the trafficking of baby parts was the fact that the Democrats were in bed with the sellers and the Republicans were in bed with the buyers." --Life Dynamics
Amazing job pulling together this gut wrenching horror.
What are the action steps recommended that North Carolinians take to support this effort to change the system?