Since it seems statistically true that liberal women have more abortions performed than conservative women it might help to to explain why most liberal women I have seen and met are bat shit crazy. Repeated abortions creating mental problems requiring medication to treat them only making their conditions worse. Making them homicidal even. Some say "compassion" is the word of the day, or that "understanding" is the prescription needed. Personally, I think these people are addicted to their own misery. They wont stop until they are stopped.

I had a conversation with my wife one night expressing my concern for the future of women if this evil is not contained. Perhaps the only solution IS the hand of God. Humans are certainly failing the task at hand.

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There is a spiritual darkness that attaches itself to abortion and to the women who are victimized by it.

Only Jesus can break the chains and heal those scars…

You described the women numbed…

The ones so scarred that their hard edges define them.

Bevelyn Williams shares in her testimony that following her abortions, her heart became hardened and dark toward children.

She didn’t understand the connection until God redeemed her.

We need to make access to the murder of the unborn unthinkable, illegal, and inaccessible.

To your point, they won’t stop until they are stopped.

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