Adam was created immediately by the hand of God; Eve was created mediately. Eve stands for the soul side, the psychic side, of human creation; all her sympathies and affinities were with the other creations of God around. Adam stands for the spirit side, the kingly, Godward side. Adam and Eve together are the likeness of God, “Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image,…male and female He created them.” The revelation made here is not that woman stands as inferior to man, but that she stands in quite a different relation to all things, and that both man and woman are required for the complete creation of God referred to by the big general term ‘Man.’
I love this, Tara. Karl is right. Now can you write about those millions of us whom God has chosen to be single for a lifetime or never blessed to be a mother? A shift in perspective but so important to consider, because society oftentimes equates a woman with mother.
Millions need to read this.
Shared to X.
And that's why God created male and female.
What beautiful & vitally important Truth, perfectly stated!
A reflection on Genesis 3:1
The serpent and Eve
Adam was created immediately by the hand of God; Eve was created mediately. Eve stands for the soul side, the psychic side, of human creation; all her sympathies and affinities were with the other creations of God around. Adam stands for the spirit side, the kingly, Godward side. Adam and Eve together are the likeness of God, “Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image,…male and female He created them.” The revelation made here is not that woman stands as inferior to man, but that she stands in quite a different relation to all things, and that both man and woman are required for the complete creation of God referred to by the big general term ‘Man.’
My Utmost Devotional Bible
Oswald Chambers
Thank God for women who fear the Lord!
I love this, Tara. Karl is right. Now can you write about those millions of us whom God has chosen to be single for a lifetime or never blessed to be a mother? A shift in perspective but so important to consider, because society oftentimes equates a woman with mother.