What if every word of the Bible is true?
What if “the Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven:
His eyes see, His eyelids test the children of man?” —Psalm 11:4
What if “the Lord tests the righteous,
But His soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence?” —Psalm 11:5
What if the shedding of innocent blood really does defile the land? —Numbers 35:33
What if God has withdrawn His hand of blessing from this once great nation because the blood of 70 million babies cries out?
What if He has given us wicked leaders to rule us rather than represent us because we have abandoned the Truth and the high calling to defend the unborn and hold back those being led to slaughter?
What if freedom remains elusive until we abolish abortion?
What if it is true that “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom ( 2 Corinthians 3:17),” and we have become slaves because we have desecrated freedom and uninvited the Spirit of the Lord?
What if we collectively stopped asking the question…
What is Freedom?
Freedom to do what?
To worship?
To kill?
What if the death of a nation is righteous judgment against a people who have chosen complicity, silence, and indifference as children are slaughtered, sold for body parts, and shipped on wet ice?
What if the very minimum God asks of us is to speak for those who have no voice and ensure justice for those being crushed—to hold back those being led away to slaughter and to end the shedding of innocent blood?
What if having failed to protect the most innocent among us—all other failures are ensured?
What if this is why we continue to descend into moral confusion, cultural chaos, political loss?
What if the pursuit of all things noble is futile because God cannot bless a nation or a state that profanes His name while presuming His blessing?
What if this is the reason America has lost its greatness?
What if the issue closest to the heart of God isn’t the border or the economy or education or freedom or (medical) freedom or free and fair elections—but the sanctity of human life?
What if having forsaken the paramount issue, He has forsaken our land?
What if “pro-life” North Carolinians—establishment and grassroots alike—come to agree on this one thing?
What if we individually pursue nothing else until we collectively unite— repent, beg God’s mercy, and abolish abortion?
What if we end the bloodshed, the bloodlust, the bloodguilt, and enjoin the 14 states that have already bowed their knee?
What if we become the 15th?
What if holding the platform, the supermajority, and the power of the override means the impossible is possible?
What if we create Shade for the Children?
Whereas, Article 4.1 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform states: “We believe in the sanctity of all human life. Unborn children have constitutional rights to life and liberty and, the government must respect and protect all innocent human life from conception to natural death.” (1)
Whereas, the value of human life is not based upon the circumstances of conception including children conceived in rape and incest, as ALL children have inherent worth as a reflection of their Creator and are included in the North Carolina Republican Party Platform’s category of “all” human life under Article 4.1.
Whereas, on June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 597 U.S 215. Quoting from its decision: “Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion.” (2)
Whereas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia have completely banned and/or made abortions unavailable. (3)
Whereas, ALL unborn children in the State of North Carolina are vulnerable to abortion under the current “12 week ban,” as each child must pass through the first 12 weeks of human gestation to be protected from abortion.
Whereas, a medical separation procedure performed during a medical emergency in order to save the life of the mother is NOT an abortion (the intentional killing of the unborn child during the process of separation).
Whereas, dignified, humane treatment of an unborn child who does not survive a medical separation procedure is NOT an abortion.
Whereas, the North Carolina General Assembly has legal authority to abolish abortion within the borders of North Carolina.
Whereas, Article 4.11 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform states: “We oppose the sale, purchase, possession, or use of fetal tissue or body parts obtained from induced abortions.”(3)(4)
Whereas, the use of tissue from aborted children in the development of vaccines and in medical research negates the value of all human life. (4)(5)
Whereas, in April 2021, the National Institutes of Health reversed Trump era restrictions on research using tissue from aborted children, (5)(6) such that aborted children have once again been made available for sale. (6)(7)
Whereas, ALL North Carolina school children are required by law to receive multiple vaccines developed using cell lines of aborted children, (7)(8)(9)(10) and therefore, the children of Pro-Life North Carolinians are required to participate in abortion, or assert a medical or religious exemption on their children’s behalf.
Whereas, beginning in 2021, all North Carolinians were required to receive Covid-19 vaccines, all of which were developed using cell lines of aborted children (Pfizer and Moderna: HEK293) and (J&J: PER-C6),(10)(11) thereby forcing Pro-Life North Carolinians to participate in abortion, assert a medical or religious exemption (often denied), and/or face discrimination, employment termination, or other life-changing consequences.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the North Carolina Republican Party calls upon the North Carolina General Assembly to enact legislation, consistent with the Party Platform, to abolish abortion and subject providers who perform abortion to criminal penalties.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the North Carolina Republican Party calls upon the North Carolina General Assembly to enact legislation to end the use of cells, cell lines, tissues, organs, and any other body part of aborted children in research and scientific experimentation, and subject violators to criminal penalties.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the North Carolina Republican Party calls upon the North Carolina General Assembly to enact legislation to end the use of cells, cell lines, tissues, organs, and any other body part of aborted children in the development of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, medicines, cosmetics, and any other product for use, sale, manufacture, testing, or distribution in the State of North Carolina, and subject violators to criminal penalties.
What if WE write history?
What if WE write His Story?
What if we don’t…?
Today (5/20/24) is the LAST day for you to register to attend the NCGOP State Convention.
The Resolution to Abolish Abortion will be presented this Saturday, May 25th during the 9:30AM Business Session in Greensboro.
If you are a delegate, we need your vote (2/3 of the delegates must agree to allow it to be heard.)
If you are a guest, we need your voice.
We will be handing out 1,200 Abortion Abolition Campaign Packets and 1,200 Medical Freedom Campaign Packets /resolutions that contain abolition language.
We cannot do this alone.
You must register TODAY (May 20, 2024) before 5PM if you haven’t already.
Come an hour early (8:30AM) to help us campaign.
Wear green.
I've posited for 3 years that the primary reason the blessings of Liberty have been withheld is because for 50 years, we have allowed the merciless, barbaric slaughter of >60 million innocent, defenseless angels.
Once rearranged a bumper sticker to read, "America bless God". Otherwise, how can we sing, "God bless America"?
Yes! 🙏🏼🙌🏽