The North Carolina GOPe (Establishment) on Abortion: (Position Italicized for Clarity)
Article 4.1 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform states: “We believe in the sanctity of all human life. Unborn children have constitutional rights to life and liberty and, the government must respect and protect all innocent human life from conception to natural death.”
We do not believe that abortion should be a choice.
We want to end abortion as ALL innocent life has value and ALL innocent life should be protected from conception to natural death.
Actually, we want to end abortion, but not completely.
Children who are conceived in rape or incest are not innocent and do NOT have inherent value.
Also, they are not included in the word “ALL”.
The choice to kill them needs to remain on the table as the circumstances of conception determine the value of human life.
The Creator of life does not assign value. Value is assigned based upon the circumstances of conception.
Article 4.11 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform states: “We oppose the sale, purchase, possession, or use of fetal tissue or body parts obtained from induced abortions.”
We believe that human beings are made in the image of God.
Our bodies should never be defiled in life or death.
Actually, we believe that we should have the choice to use the bodies of aborted children in science and vaccines including the Covid-19 vaccines and the vast majority of childhood vaccines.
We do not want to end the use of aborted children in science or vaccines.
Abortion developed vaccines are a necessary evil and should remain a choice.
We are okay with the bodies of aborted children being defiled before and after death.
After all, if aborted children are already dead, why shouldn’t we “benefit” from their body parts?
Why NOT inject the body parts of the aborted children of God into the living children of God?
Why should we shut down a multi-million dollar cottage industry that has blossomed through the collaboration of the “unholy trinity”—incentivized by science, medicine, and government?
Why should we stop fueling the market for dead baby parts if there is a “greater good”?
We are Capitalists!
Supply and Demand!
Plus, polio and stuff.
And…Fauci and Plotkin said we would all be dead without vaccines so it must be true.
In fact, we will actually go so far as to allow the government to MANDATE the use of abortion derived vaccines, and thereby force every North Carolina pro-life conscience to participate in abortion by requirement of law.
This is actually not a moral issue, it is a freedom issue.
It’s an economic issue and a public “health” issue.
In conclusion, we believe in the sanctity of human life with exceptions.
We believe that some children are made in the image of their Creator.
Others are the residue of their mother’s rapist.
We believe that the residue should be eligible for extermination.
Further, we believe that any child who is exterminated for what ever reason should remain available for sale and for our use and benefit.
We should definitely use the children as shade.
And for parts…
Ultimately, we believe that all of these decisions should be determined by individuals and their doctors because morality is fuzzy and doctors know best.
Who are we to dig our heels in and declare that a child is not a choice?
Come to think of it, we are actually pro-choice.
There are no moral absolutes.
And even if there are, they are not politically expedient and they don’t win elections.
We’d best ask the purists in the room to step out.
The End.
Are you confused?
I am.
It is why we are bringing the fight for Abolition to the floor of the Republican State Convention.
The fog of war is over.
So is the moral confusion.
It is why we are asking you to join us.
If not us, then who?
If not now, then when?
See you at the Intersection on May 25.
I’ll be the one wearing green.
Green for Grassroots.
Green for Trees that will produce Shade for the Children.
I think green is the new red.
Resolution to Abolish Abortion
Presented by: Larry Pittman
Written by: Larry Pittman, Cindy Sallis, and Tara Niebaum
Whereas, Article 4.1 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform states: “We believe in the sanctity of all human life. Unborn children have constitutional rights to life and liberty and, the government must respect and protect all innocent human life from conception to natural death.” (1)
Whereas, the value of human life is not based upon the circumstances of conception including children conceived in rape and incest, as ALL children have inherent worth as a reflection of their Creator and are included in the North Carolina Republican Party Platform’s category of “all” human life under Article 4.1.
Whereas, on June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 597 U.S 215. Quoting from its decision: “Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion.” (2)
Whereas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia have completely banned and/or made abortions unavailable. (3)
Whereas, ALL unborn children in the State of North Carolina are vulnerable to abortion under the current “12 week ban,” as each child must pass through the first 12 weeks of human gestation to be protected from abortion.
Whereas, a medical separation procedure performed during a medical emergency in order to save the life of the mother is NOT an abortion (the intentional killing of the unborn child during the process of separation).
Whereas, dignified, humane treatment of an unborn child who does not survive a medical separation procedure is NOT an abortion.
Whereas, the North Carolina General Assembly has legal authority to abolish abortion within the borders of North Carolina.
Whereas, Article 4.11 of the North Carolina Republican Party Platform states: “We oppose the sale, purchase, possession, or use of fetal tissue or body parts obtained from induced abortions.”(3)(4)
Whereas, the use of tissue from aborted children in the development of vaccines and in medical research negates the value of all human life. (4)(5)
Whereas, in April 2021, the National Institutes of Health reversed Trump era restrictions on research using tissue from aborted children, (5)(6) such that aborted children have once again been made available for sale. (6)(7)
Whereas, ALL North Carolina school children are required by law to receive multiple vaccines developed using cell lines of aborted children, (7)(8)(9)(10) and therefore, the children of Pro-Life North Carolinians are required to participate in abortion, or assert a medical or religious exemption on their children’s behalf.
Whereas, beginning in 2021, all North Carolinians were required to receive Covid-19 vaccines, all of which were developed using cell lines of aborted children (Pfizer and Moderna: HEK293) and (J&J: PER-C6),(10)(11) thereby forcing Pro-Life North Carolinians to participate in abortion, assert a medical or religious exemption (often denied), and/or face discrimination, employment termination, or other life-changing consequences.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the North Carolina 8th Congressional District Republican Party calls upon the North Carolina General Assembly to enact legislation, consistent with the Party Platform, to abolish abortion and subject providers who perform abortion to criminal penalties.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the North Carolina 8th Congressional District Republican Party calls upon the North Carolina General Assembly to enact legislation to end the use of cells, cell lines, tissues, organs, and any other body part of aborted children in research and scientific experimentation, and subject violators to criminal penalties.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the North Carolina 8th Congressional District Republican Party calls upon the North Carolina General Assembly to enact legislation to end the use of cells, cell lines, tissues, organs, and any other body part of aborted children in the development of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, medicines, cosmetics, and any other product for use, sale, manufacture, testing, or distribution in the State of North Carolina, and subject violators to criminal penalties.
Adopted: April 27, 2024
John Steward
Chairman, North Carolina 8th Congressional District Republican Party
Lorena Castilla Ritz
Secretary, North Carolina 8th Congressional District Republican Party
6 Original archived at
11 Id.