Mark Robinson is the 2024 North Carolina “Republican” candidate for Governor.
Mark Robinson is pro-abortion.
If this is not a Pro-Abortion Campaign Ad—I do not know what is.
Abortion is not sin, not murder, but rather a “decision”?
Mark wants to protect a woman’s right to choose.
He wants voters to know that he will work to protect that right—that he will “support” women who murder their own children.
No mention of protecting the unborn innocent children (except the “late-term ones” (Eugenics based upon “viability”).
Mark supports murdering any child up to 12 weeks (Eugenics based upon size).
Mark supports murdering a child to pay for the crime of a father (Eugenics based upon circumstances of conception).
Mark claims “life of mother” is reason to murder children (Eugenics based upon medical myth).
No doctor in the history of mankind has ever proven under oath that a child who is medically separated to save a mother must be murdered in the process.
This explains why Mark Robinson wanted NOTHING to do with the Abolition Resolution at the NC Republican Convention.
This explains why We Stood Alone.
This explains why he refused for 4 years to speak of the connection between abortion and COVID vaccines or use his platform to expose the horror of Children for Sale though he claimed to be an abolitionist.
Pray for Mark Robinson.
He has abandoned the Truth.
Pray for North Carolina.
The binary choice of two evils will only lead us toward greater evil.
Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.
And it will ensure for us righteous judgment from a Holy God who hates the hands that shed innocent blood and punishes those who refuse to speak for those who have no voice and to ensure justice for those being crushed and worse—approve of those who do evil though they know better (Romans 1:32)
God help us.
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? Mark 8:36
Post Script:
There is only one abortion abolitionist candidate in the North Carolina Gubernatorial race.
Vinny Smith is a righteous man, a personal friend, and an unapologetic abolitionist.
And he is running for Governor on the Constitution Party ticket.
You can check out Vinny’s campaign here.
Compare and contrast Vinny’s position recognizing life at conception by Divine Design and protecting ALL unborn children with Mark Robinson’s position—children are a “decision”, and we need legal protections to ensure that women have access to Eugenics (murder).
Check out the Constitution Party Platform and their Seven Core Values.
The Constitution Party is the only political Party on the 2024 ballot this year that has not untethered itself from the truth of God’s Word or the Judeo-Christian roots of our nation.
It has never been more obvious…
It’s 1854…
I’m actually speechless. My heart hurts