It was five years ago this month when the war that was “Covid” began.
Five years that sometimes feels like one long day.
Days away from the official end of the dystopian nightmare of the Biden Regime, the national mood seems to be vacillating between cautious optimism and premature excessive celebration.
I find myself wanting to throw a flag on that play…
I have been home from the political/activist battlefield for some time now having returned to my otherwise peaceful life as a full-time homeschool mom and part-time artist.
It doesn’t seem to matter how much information “comes out” about what we have all lived through…
The lies about the “virus” itself, the masks, the injections, the lock-downs, the suspension of the Constitution, the church closures, the Civil Rights violations, the Human Rights violations…
We all have to live within this raw history.
We all have to live with the way it permanently changed us.
It strikes me that on the other side of war, there used to be reflection.
Acknowledgment of civil and human rights violations and atrocities…
Vows that history would not be repeated…
Recognition of the dead and wounded…
Honor for those who stood their ground on the right side of history and what it cost them to remain standing...
I don’t think we will get any of this.
So as the Fog of War lifts, I find myself processing.
I don’t know that I will ever be able to fully express the way it changed me.
I only know it is permanent.
2020 was the year I lost my country.
It was the first time in my life that I did not leave my house without fear.
I stopped going places alone.
We stopped traveling and vacationing as a family—not because we were afraid of Covid, but because we were afraid of government.
We were afraid of our fellow Americans…
The ones that were calling for people like us to die…to be punched in the face…to be denied medical treatment…
It is odd.
As the Fog of War lifts, I sometimes wonder if I imagined the whole thing.
Or if I have exaggerated the trauma.
And I think about how I still don’t like to leave the house alone.
And how my pulse still races uncontrollably when I see a man approaching me in a mask…
And how I can’t book a weekend getaway without researching current “Covid Safety” policy to see if I will be counted an enemy among those who complied and are still complying.
Just this morning, I attempted to book the Benjamin Ellis House Bed and Breakfast in New Bern.
And then I read the “Stay Safe” Policy—still very active on the homepage of their website as of today, January 13, 2025…
With the roll out of the vaccine we wish to reassure those traveling to New Bern we continue to follow recommended Safe Stay guidelines developed by the AHLA (American Hotel and Lodging Association) and the Count On Me NC protocols for ensuring our guests and staff are safe.
All staff at the Inn have received full vaccination and boosters. For added guest and staff safety, hand sanitizer and cleaning wipes are available in common areas.
Social Distancing
• Inn's unique architecture with four 9’ wide hallways provides more than the recommended 6’ distance between the East and West side rooms
• Our numerous separate public areas – game area, library, parlor, front porch, dining room – allow for guest relaxation keeping a safe distance from other guests
• Our breakfast service is modified from the previous buffet service to a plated service
• Disposable cups/products are available upon request at the public beverage area
And just like that, it all comes rushing back to me.
And I want to call them and ask how many people they fired because they wouldn’t accept experimental injections…
Or worse, how many they bullied into taking them to keep their jobs…
And how many died or were injured…
And if they have any regrets…
I was still contemplating how it is that I am supposed to forgive what is impossible to forget when this Blaze article popped up in my feed… (click the underlined hyperlink to read…)
And just like that, I find myself back in 2020.
And I don’t want to adventure too far from home because I no longer trust my government or my fellow Americans.
I don’t think I ever will again.
And I don’t know what to do with that.
Post Script:
I initially wrote that it was 4 years ago that the war began.
I have corrected that because it has indeed been five.
Even the timeline is confusing and even I have a tendency to forget that the onslaught—the first and worst year of “Covid” Totalitarianism actually happened during the fourth year of Trump’s presidency.
A reality that remains sobering to this day…
I’ve lost my trust as well. I find myself checking off this list in my head when I meet new people. How did they handle the war on Americans?
Would they turn me in for government non compliance? Would they hide or fight today after living through it? What is their understanding of Romans 13?
All of my business decisions and business support moving forward is forever changed.
The roll back of DEI or the death grip support of the lies.
This is how the past five years has forever changed me.
We are all forever changed, even if we can’t explain it.
Thank you Tara for navigating this with me, with us.
We are ALL forever changed.
Tara, glad to see you didn't disappear. I know how you feel, I think we all do. we are in the middle of a revolution. One that comes every so often in history. This one was forced, not the long march.
We have all lost people in one way or another.
One thing I want to remind anyone reading this. We might be seeing the bidens moving out of the whitehouse. However, make no mistake we are still in a war and the HARD work will just begin and its going to be an all out scrap. Stay strong, pray to forgive your enemies, but continue to demand punishment and accountability. And most of all, keep praying. We are going to need it.